I am not scared of Corona/China virus but This Televangelist is something just look at his eyes... # Cashvangelist must be slowing down... no one to convert in the audience... or do the # FakeHealing with cashed-up actors to fool the audience. As I have mentioned that spiritual plastic who claims to heal, predict or channel spirits messages from the other side tends to fall on their sword. Spiritual Plastic is ripe whenever there is money to make to influence the flock and fame to gain while using God's name and it's glory. Not only they are framing God because of their tall claim but they could also pass on the responsibility when it fails by saying God work's in a mysterious way. It's a way so that you don't question them when Covid19 does not go away but claim more people because of the issue with living hygiene and recklessness.
The Narc is the Biggest Liar on the planet earth right now. China had lied to the world about Covid19, they release the bio-weapon then cheated the world by providing defected Covid19 test, Sanitizing & Personal Protection Equipment. Narcissist Pandemic: All Narcissists are Toxic for humanity just like Chinese Virus and amazing gift from the Universe is that no amount of manipulation will protec t the Narcissist from being infected. Karma Accountability must be fixed.. Narcs are Evil personified and no matter how much compassion and sympathy you give they won't become good. #JoyKuo #JoyAwakening #AwakeningWithJoy #Narcissist #NarcissisticAbuse #Liar #TheftOfIntellectualProper ty #Malignant #CovertNarc #SpiritualNarcissist #50ShadesOfLiars #HealTheAbuse I lie to myself all the time that when I lie I believe it. Then I will sell this Lie to you and ...