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Showing posts from August, 2018

Early Warning Sign Of A Pathological Persons - Joy/Irene/Tzu Ling Kuo ticks all of them

I believe this is a very important post I have made. I have experienced every typical RED FLAGS and everything is spot on to the T with dealing with Narcissist Sociopath. I was not able to spot many of the typical RED FLAGS as the insidious and malignant nature of her Covert Narcissist was hidden in many masks and became harder and harder to see the truth due to being groomed, manipulated, controlled and made as a flying monkey to direct her rage at the other innocent victims. Very clinging, she knows she had me hooked  Here Joy /Irene/Tzu Ling always wanted to remind me that we had Soul Connection Here Joy/Irene/Tzu Ling Kuo  would buy a cheap knock-off of Camilla (Australian fashion style) and wear them when we are exhibiting in Embrace Life, Festival of Dreams, Psychic Alternative Fair, Meetup, and other events.  Joy/Irene/Tzu Ling Kuo wants to imitate Sree Maa and replace Sree Maa the founder of Kosmic Fusion. You can e