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Early Warning Sign Of A Pathological Persons - Joy/Irene/Tzu Ling Kuo ticks all of them

I believe this is a very important post I have made. I have experienced every typical RED FLAGS and everything is spot on to the T with dealing with Narcissist Sociopath. I was not able to spot many of the typical RED FLAGS as the insidious and malignant nature of her Covert Narcissist was hidden in many masks and became harder and harder to see the truth due to being groomed, manipulated, controlled and made as a flying monkey to direct her rage at the other innocent victims.

Very clinging, she knows she had me hooked 

Here Joy /Irene/Tzu Ling always wanted to remind me that we had Soul Connection

Here Joy/Irene/Tzu Ling Kuo would buy a cheap knock-off of Camilla (Australian fashion style) and wear them when we are exhibiting in Embrace Life, Festival of Dreams, Psychic Alternative Fair, Meetup, and other events. Joy/Irene/Tzu Ling Kuo wants to imitate Sree Maa and replace Sree Maa the founder of Kosmic Fusion. You can even see even the high platform shoe that Sree Maa Shri Ji likes to wear, she has to wear them.

I will elaborate more on every point.
Early Warning Sign Of A Pathological Persons - And Joy/Irene/Tzu Ling Kuo tick all of them, below are some example

*Fast-moving relationship
Joy/Irene/Tzu Ling Kuo was all over me like Destiny. Joy/Irene/Tzu Ling Kuo Love bombing me, mirror me and wanted me to commit all my time with Joy/Irene/Tzu Ling Kuo

*Overwhelmingly attentive
Joy/Irene/Tzu Ling Kuo was very attentive and would fan my ego and feed me whatever that my ego needs.

*Claims a soulmate connection
Joy/Irene/Tzu Ling Kuo always thought that we had a Soulmate connection and in Joy/Irene/Tzu Ling Kuo deluded mind she thought that we are a Twin Flame and even Twin Ray... trying to be so Grand into believing that she could be Sree Maa. And Joy/Irene/Tzu Ling Kuo trying to fit me as the spot of Shri Ji.

*Needs help and or pity
Joy/Irene/Tzu Ling Kuo played a misunderstood, fragile little Asian girl who everyone misunderstood because of her accent. And that she is doing the only one doing everything when she is volunteering and that it is all for Kosmic Fusion. Which is all a lie, first she has a degree in English and works in University Library. Joy/Irene/Tzu Ling Kuo is a wolf pretending to be a sheep, she was preying on the volunteers of Kosmic Fusion and stealing Intellectual Property, data and copyright material from Kosmic Fusion so that she can start her own group.Joy/Irene/Tzu Ling Kuo only started to volunteer for her own gain so she buys her time to build herself a network before executing her plan to take over and replace Sree Maa Shri Ji.

*History of failed relationships
Joy/Irene/Tzu Ling Kuo has a long history of failed relationships, with her father and mother, sibling and paternal relations. Joy/Irene/Tzu Ling Kuo has a big grudge on all of them and she has made sure that she paid them back.
Joy/Irene/Tzu Ling Kuo had a couple of romantic relations which she said had taken advantage of her when really it's the other way around. It was her used, abused and discard tactic.

*Lack of nostalgia
Joy/Irene/Tzu Ling Kuo has this wishful thinking to live out the life she missed out when she was young, that is what Joy/Irene/Tzu Ling Kuo had kept her claw to me. Joy/Irene/Tzu Ling Kuo wanted to experience what I had experienced when I used to drink, smoke and party. As she had a very mundane life of study, study, and study. When she thought she was free and end up going to University in the countryside, she failed to find the life she wishes for and ends up living another mundane life.

*Few Personal Possessions
Though Joy/Irene/Tzu Ling Kuo has many things all this is either from the husband's hard work. And everything that she had a building on like the Holistic Freedom and Holistic Freedom Wellness Centre are all from my contribution. Joy/Irene/Tzu Ling Kuo likes to ride on the success of other for instant taking advantage and abusing the kindness of Kosmic Fusion and Sree Maa Shri Ji, she rides the Kosmic Fusion umbrella and from there had also ridden on the successful name of Hanumanji and created Komal & Hanuman. Joy/Irene/Tzu Ling Kuo wanted the status of the Immortal Bhakti Hanumanji.

Joy/Irene/Tzu Ling Kuo always changes her stories, you can hear it in one of the interviews on how she was lying about her qualifications as Akaashik Records Neutralizing and continue to lie in the interview as if she is expert when she was not or she has gotten permission - will share it another time.

*Financially irresponsible
Joy/Irene/Tzu Ling Kuo likes to spend over her means and even try to dupe me many times where I became a cash cow to her. Joy/Irene/Tzu Ling Kuo likes to buy many makeup and beauty products to cover the insidious face that she kept hidden. In truth, even her husband told me that he could not maintain her means of spending money and even told me that he had to cut his son's pocket money for 2 weeks because of I-Wolf-Rene spending and traveling.

*No personal accountability
Totally no personal accountability when i relay that her husband is having difficulty in maintaining the finance and that he had to cut her son's allowance for 2 weeks. Joy/Irene/Tzu Ling Kuo nonchalantly said he had spare money he just does not want to spend, he had emergency money. I was totally shocked do not know what to say..

*Target begins to act outside their norms
My behavior had changed from confidence to have been under the thumb of Joy/Irene/Tzu Ling Kuo where she was able to control every aspect of my life. Joy/Irene/Tzu Ling Kuo had cut off everyone from me, my friends, my family, the FiTs and Sree Maa Shri Ji. Joy/Irene/Tzu Ling Kuo wanted all the attention all to her and would get jealous of anyone who would talk to me or get my attention. 5 years of emotionally, mentally abuse who duped me into thinking that she was a trusted friend, ripped me off and shattered my self-esteem into a thousand pieces. What makes me angrier is that she has targeted the few that have stood by me and by sending them to hate mail and smear campaigns. 

#Narcissist #CovertNarcissist #MalignantNarcissist #Narcissiticabuse #Gaslighting #SmearCampaign #Fraud #CognitiveDissonance #ToxicPeople #TruamaBonding #LoveBombing #JoyKuo #JoyAwakening #Awakeningwithjoy #TzuLingKuo #IreneKuo


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