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Narcissist Energy Vampires

Whenever I am near I-wolf-rene and Iphigenie Amoutzias I know now why I felt Quantum Vortex Scalar Wave Photon Pulse very active and, it dawns on me how much Quantum Vortex Scalar Wave Photon Pulse has always protected me and always made sure that I am always overflowing with Supreme Grace as if sharing and tune in all the same time.

Sree Maa Shri Ji has always told me to stand my ground whenever someone tries to run me over or overpower me, don’t let anyone control me, give a fight. I am such a fool for not paying heed to every word of Sree Maa Shri Ji. Atyant Abhaar Aapka Sree Maa Shri Ji for always being there for me and being my strength. 🙏🙏🙏
I-wolf-rene hated me whenever I mentioned there is something in her place or nearby that I could feel it. I could feel it is not right, I could sense it and I could even hear it. I could feel the depth of the densities. – of course, I have gotten my punishment from I-wolf-rene for saying that to her about her place.

Have always thought that it’s the density of the land or environment, but I know now it was not the case, but someone tuning in and trying to hook and sync in with me energetically to syphon my energy.
Like moths drawn to flames, empaths like me seem to have liking for flying head-first into dangerous friendships and soul-sucking relationships that leave many of us feeling exhausted and unbalanced. Yet over and over again I kept missing the vital life lessons being presented. 

I could see the magnetic pull from the opposite the Narcissist. By nature the Empaths are deeply caring, compassionate, intense sensitivities, often struggle to create boundaries, giving into martyrdom, victimhood, co-dependency and self-sacrifice. 

While the Narcissist hides behind an idealized self-image of being highly charming and attractive, at the same time uncaring, indifference, self-centred and cruel.

This is not my first encounter of Narcissist, have encounter many in my lifetime and Narcissist are ripe in the spiritual group also, I felt like Narcissist is very much attracted to the spiritual group as it’s an easy picking and great multiple supplies for the Narcissist. The Narcissist like to linger with so much supply and if Narcissist ever gets caught Narcissist could just pretend to say sorry and the empathic people will give them a chance and forgive. This is why I believe that Sree Maa Shri Ji and Kosmic Fusion was targeted for the Unconditional Love, Kindness and Compassion. 

I believe it very strongly that this is the reason why Narcissist always has that obsessiveness attraction towards Sree Maa Shri Ji – It is because Sree Maa Shri Ji is the embodiment of Kindness and Compassion in which Narcissist like to leech on. It is a big jackpot for the Narcissist. 

I can now see in hindsight why Narcissist are attracted to spirituality and religion, Because they have this Grandiose of being special and this exaggerated sense of self-desire to be like God and Goddess. It's this very attraction the Narcissist harp about "I AM” and create or follow groups where SOVEREIGN BEING concept is more freely used.

Wherever they can exploit the Narcissist will make sure to hang out in those circles and groups.

Narcissists want to be Sovereign Beings, so they become free of the fact they have to answer some Divinity above them. It's just feeding the Dark self to become more stronger almost God-like.

There are many things I wish to mention, for an instant when I first volunteered for Kosmic Fusion and took the drug that I was offered by Mr. K and his friend. Mr. K and his friend where over lighted by 4.5 who have taken over them. And due to my “Free Will” I took the drugs in which I end up opening up myself to them and those dark entities end up syncing up with me and tried to take over me. I am very fortunate that Sree Maa Shri Ji my One and the Only ONE had never let go of my hands throughout the ordeal which went on for months where I could feel all the entities and other multidimensional entities would attack me. It does not matter, day or night, it was 24 hours. They were relentless as they wanted the spark within which they could not touch it as Sree Maa Shri Ji has a hand on me – and that I did my AwaKeNiN & TrANsForMaTioN workshop due to the Grace of Sree Maa Shri Ji the shower of Supreme Grace - Quantum Vortex Scalar Wave Photon Pulse was with me 24/7. 

Due to my “Free Will” they the 4.5 actually had a right over me and I end up signing up a soul contract with the 4.5, had The Supreme Grace had not step in…. And only due to Sree Maa Shri Ji’s Supreme Grace that I am able to overcome it and given the opportunity to walk the pathless path of Supersonic Shortcut. If that is not the embodiment of Compassion and Supreme Grace, then I don’t know what else. There are many parts I did not share, but what I am saying the level of Compassion and how much Sree Maa Shri Ji have to endure to get me to rewrite my soul contract.

There are no words that are sufficiency to express my eternal Gratitude to Sree Maa Shri Ji 🙏🙏🙏 Aapke Prati Sada Atyant Abhaar Rahunga Sree Maa Shri Ji 🙏🙏


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